Spiritual Healings
Synergy of the Body, Mind & Soul
As it is important for optimal wellness to maintain unity between the Body, Mind & Soul, I practice with a balanced approach to therapy that gives overall
client support. I offer service where the clients unique conditions and concerns are attended to, enhancing the synergy of the overall holistic process.
Each session is dependent on individual needs, using a combination of Intuitive Hands on Healing, Vibrational Medicine, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Reflexology and Aromatherapy. For further support I use oils that best compliment each individual chakra as they work through the bodies system, restoring alignment and bringing chakra health imbalances back into place.
As a compliment to my formal qualifications in Natural Therapies and Professional Counselling, I am also a Certified Crystal Healing Practitioner, with
qualifications being accredited by the International Institute of Complementary Therapies, I am also a Reiki Practitioner, and have Certification in Vibrational Medicine. In addition I have been a Teacher at the Gold Coast Institute of Tafe in Natural Therapy modalities, and have also studied at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science in the United Kingdom to further enhance my already natural Psychic abilities.
Cost: $70
Duration: 30 Minutes
Cost: $120
Duration: 60 Minutes